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Android Makers: the Android event is here!


Android Makers: the Android event is here! (Version française en bas de page) The event you have been waiting for is finally here. At the moment, we are finalizing the details so as to offer you the best Android Event in France. Did you miss some of what we have been working on lately ? Here are some useful tips that will help you during these... continue reading

Download the Android Makers app!


Download the Android Makers app! (Version française en bas de page) Every Android conference must have its dedicated application. Android Makers won’t be the exception that’s why we suggest you to download the Android Makers app directly on Google Play. It is split in 3 sections: - The 2 days schedule - Useful informations - List of our p... continue reading

Solocal Group n°1 in Europe on digital local communication


Solocal Group n°1 in Europe on digital local communication Through their major brands (PagesJaunes, Mappy, Ooreka and AVAL) and their partnerships with global Internet players (Apple, Google, Bing, Yahoo! and Facebook), they manage the local presence on the Internet and the local communication of 490,000 businesses and create rich and pertinent... continue reading

An outstanding gift for all Android Makers attendees!


An outstanding gift for all Android Makers attendees! (Version française en bas de page) Once upon a time, the BeMyApp and Paris Android User Group teams decided to organize the event of their dream. To do so, they met for long hours to define a list of their dearest wishes. An Android event obviously means a tshirt with our favorite bugdroid.... continue reading

The Speakers’ listing is now official !


The Speakers’ listing is now official ! (Version française en bas de page) The first edition of Android Makers is getting closer and we are very proud to announce you that the listing of the Speakers is fully available on our website. Before getting into details regarding the speakers, we would like to warmly thank all the applications that ... continue reading

Leboncoin, a down to earth company


Launched in 2006, leboncoin is now one of the top 5 most consulted websites in France; more specifically, the number 1 website for private sales and the leader in real estate, car sales and job ads markets. The android app launched in 2012 has already been downloaded more than 12 million times. It is used by more than 1 million unique visitors ... continue reading

Xebia et Android


Xebia Mobile est l’offre dédiée à l’écosystème mobile chez Xebia. Nous sommes acteurs dans la transformation digitale de nos clients. Nous les aidons à concevoir les bons produits centrés sur le besoin de leurs utilisateurs finaux. Nous nous démarquons par notre approche Agile en adoptant une démarche itérative et incrémentale dans la réalisat... continue reading

Deezer, l'innovation au service de la musique


Deezer a démarré avec seulement une poignée de développeurs. L’équipe mobile se composait alors de deux développeurs, un répertoire svn, et beaucoup d’ambitions. Presque une décennie plus tard, on compte plus de 100 développeurs, dont une quinzaine dédiée à la plateforme Android. Cette expansion a nécessité des ajustements, tant dans nos outils... continue reading

Good morning Android Makers


English version below. Vous avez aimé la Droidcon Paris ? Vous allez adorer Android Makers le 10 et 11 avril 2017 ! Fin 2015, les équipes de BeMyApp et du Paris Android User Group organisaient conjointement la troisième édition annuelle de la Droidcon Paris. Cet événement de deux jours, dédié à la plateforme Android, était l’occasion de rencon... continue reading

Call For Paper: Type of talk explained EN


Want to submit a talk to Android Makers France? Need help understanding the various submission types? You’re on the right page. You can submit five kinds of proposals: Keynote talk 40mn talk 20mn talk Workshop Makers Area Keynote Keynote talks last 40 minutes and must be of interest to all attendees, whatever their background. No p... continue reading

Call For Paper: Type of talk explained FR


Vous voulez soumettre une présentation à Android Makers France? Besoin d’aide pour comprendre les différents types de soumission? Vous êtes au bon endroit ! Vous pouvez soumettre 5 types de proposition : Keynote Talk de 40 minutes Talk de 20 minutes Workshop Makers Area Keynote Les Keynotes durent 40 minutes et doivent intéresser ... continue reading

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